Spoon Tree
by Ally White
Spoon Tree
Ally White
Mixed Media - Digital Mixed
I've always been obsessed with trees. Today, I wanted to see what a spoon tree would look like. Now we know!
January 31st, 2014
Comments (28)
VIVA Anderson
You delight me with your stunning mindful surrealism, Ally. This is a truly fantastic artwork, Kudos, fv.....VIVA
Mary Lou Chmura
I don't know where you come up with all your ideas, but I just love your creative mind! v/f
Ally White replied:
Thanks, Mary Lou. My art looks a lot like my dreams... (I usually dream in vivid color.) It can be intense, so I enjoy using art as an outlet.
Laura D Young
Love the creativity and whimsy of this. Great work! l/f
Ally White replied:
Thank you so much, Laura. Sweet comments like these are the reason I love to do what I do. It's truly appreciated.
Daniel Arrhakis
Incredible artwork and fantastic surrealist vision ! Love your spoon tree Ally ! : )
Lyric Lucas
Congratulations your creative and unique art work is featured in the "Out Of The Ordinary" group!
John Bailey
Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"