Lost Keys to Paradise
by Ally White
Lost Keys to Paradise
Ally White
Mixed Media - Mixed
When darkness surrounds you, just keep looking for what you seek. The lost keys to paradise are closer than you may think.
June 15th, 2015
Comments (52)
Dai Wynn
Ally, I am absolutely blown away by the clarity and detail of your creations. I am lost for words. Perhaps my words are hidden with the keys to Paradise. "Darkness"?
Angeles M Pomata
I love this piece, Ally. It really captures the concept and you have reflected it beautifully. L/F
Hanne Lore Koehler
Fantastic steam punk creation, Ally! Wonderful colors and digital special effects in this beautiful and fascinating composition! L/F
Michael Mazaika
This wouldn't be the lyrical-spherical-heliotrope from the high plains of hytropia now would it? Great fun, Ally. - Mike (V/F)